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The Best Resources for Learning About Ability Grouping & Tracking — Help Me Find More

I’ll be doing a column on ability grouping & tracking over at my Education Week Teacher blog, and thought I’d start compiling some useful materials here to share.

This is just a beginning list, and I hope that readers will contribute more in the comments, as well as contribute stories of your direct experiences:

What Are Your Thoughts, & What Has Been Your Experience, With Ability Grouping/Tracking? is a post I published yesterday, which contains a link to a recent USA Today article, additional research, and my own thoughts on the topic. Several important comments have also been left there.

Is Tracking and Ability Grouping Making a Comeback? is from The Brookings Institution and Tom Loveless.

Do schools for ‘the gifted’ promote segregation? is from The Washington Post.

As mentioned earlier, I expect this list to expand, and I hope quickly. Please share your suggestions….

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The views expressed by the blogger are not necessarily those of NEPC.

Larry Ferlazzo

Larry Ferlazzo has been a high school teacher since 2003 after spending nineteen years working as a community organizer. He teaches Beginner, Intermediate, and Ad...