Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day Blog: The Best “Quotes Of The Day” In 2013 – Part Two
A few months ago, I begin periodically posting “quotes of the day.”
In addition, I regularly highlight quotes from guests writing at my Education Week Teacher column.
Here are my favorites since I published The Best “Quotes Of The Day” In 2013 – So Far six months ago:
The Myth of Teachers Not Changing is a post by Larry Cuban.
Here’s an excerpt:
Close Reading and Far-Reaching Classroom Discussion: Fostering a Vital Connection is a paper written by Catherine Snow and Catherine O’Connor for the International Reading Association.
It offers some important warnings for all educators. Here’s an excerpt:
Do student test scores provide solid basis to evaluate teachers? is an article from Stanford’s Graduate School of Education that reports on new research by Edward Haertel, emeritus professor of education. The professor recently published a report on the use of Value Added Measures.
Here’s an excerpt:
Why Do Teachers Quit? is an interesting article in The Atlantic.
Here’s an excerpt:
Nelba Marquez-Greene, whose child was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School last year, had a guest column published in Education Week — A Sandy Hook Parent’s Letter to Teachers.
Here’s an excerpt:
The Associated Press published Facts, figures as students return to the classroom.
Here’s an excerpt:
The New York Times published a number of responses to an article on teacher “churn” in charter schools (see An Eye-Opening Article On Charter School Teacher Turnover).
Carol Burris’ response is phenomenal.
Here’s an excerpt:
NPR interviews several educators, including Rafe Esquith, at More Than A Number? Educators On What Standardized Testing Means.
Here’s an excerpt from the NPR interview:
I’m a big believer in the use of storytelling in teaching (see The Power Of Stories for more details on how I do it).
Once Upon A Time At The Office: 10 Storytelling Tips To Help You Be More Persuasive is a good article from Fast Company on the same topic.
Here’s an excerpt:
The article also mentioned this nice quote from Ira Glass:
Peter Bregman wrote a good, short post for the Harvard Business Review titled “A Question That Can Change Your Life.”
Here’s an excerpt:
In light of the big Washington Post news earlier this year , Dan Pink tweeted out a link to Jeff Bezos commencement address at Princeton. Here’s an excerpt:
When Can You Trust a Data Scientist? is a very thoughtful article that I’d recommend to all teachers and, particularly, to anyone doing research in the education field.
It includes several criteria to consider when deciding if one should trust a “data scientist” or anyone who does research. Here are two:
Practical Tips for Overcoming Resistance is a post from The Harvard Business Review.
Here’s an excerpt that shares the best classroom management advice anyone can give — and listen to:
‘There Is No Such Thing As An Unmotivated Student’ is the title of one of my posts over at Education Week Teacher. The “line-up” of contributors is impressive, with guest responses from Cris Tovani, Josh Stumpenhorst and Eric Jensen.
Here’s an excerpt:

Response: Helping Students Develop a Desire To Read At Home is another post over at Education Week Teacher. It includes responses from Donalyn Miller and Myron Dueck, and I throw in my own ideas.
Here’s an excerpt:
Response: The Best Advice On Doing Project-Based Learning is yet another post over at Education Week Teacher. Suzie Boss provides the primary guest response, along with many suggestions from readers.
Here’s an excerpt:
You might be interested in exploring the other 1,200 “The Best…” lists…..
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