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Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day Blog: Special Edition: “Round-Up” of Good Posts on Education Policy

Usually, I only post a once-a-week round-up of useful posts on education policy issues. However, I’ve got a bit of a backlog, so here’s a special edition:

Following Common Core money: Where are millions of dollars going? is by Carol Burris and appeared in The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Articles Sharing Concerns About Common Core Standards.

Interesting SIG vs. non-SIG comparisons is from The Thomas Fordham Institute. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About The Four School Improvement Grant Models.

A Third Of Schools Saw Scores Fall After Getting Federal Grants is from The Huffington Post. I’m adding it to the same list.

Is Robo-Grading Driving the Design of Common Core Tests? is by Anthony Cody at Ed Week. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About The “Next Generation” Of State Testing.

The Audacity: Thrun Learns A Lesson and Students Pay makes some good points. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles On MOOC’s.

Look to other ‘knowledge industries’ to get teacher evaluation right is by Barnett Berry. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Effective Student & Teacher Assessments.

Creating Systems of Assessment for Deeper Learning is by Linda Darling-Hammond and others. I’m adding it to the same list.

How Poverty Impacts Students’ Test Scores, In 4 Graphs is from The Huffington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Learn What Impact A Teacher & Outside Factors Have On Student Achievement.

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Larry Ferlazzo

Larry Ferlazzo has been a high school teacher since 2003 after spending nineteen years working as a community organizer. He teaches Beginner, Intermediate, a...