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L.A. Teachers Refuse to Sign-On to “Race to the Top”

I was pleased to see that our colleagues in Los Angeles have refused to support their District’s plan to seek fund’s from the District Race To The Top program (see today’s L.A. Times article, L.A. schools fail to gain union backing for grant application).

They join our Sacramento local (see “Sacramento City Teachers Association declines to participate in Race to the Top “) and the one in Fresno (see Anthony Cody’s article, Race to the Top Frozen Out in Fresno).

In fact, I would be surprised if you see many (if you see any) California locals agreeing. I personally would love to see a complete “shut out.” The requirement to tie teacher evaluations to student test scores is a “poison pill” that is a “deal-killer.”

I’m adding this post to The Best Resources On “Race To The Top” (& On “Personalized Learning”).

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Larry Ferlazzo

Larry Ferlazzo has been a high school teacher since 2003 after spending nineteen years working as a community organizer. He teaches Beginner, Intermediate, and Ad...