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NEPC Review: The Broken Pipeline: Advanced Education Policies at the Local Level (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, April 2024)

A Fordham report offers an up-to-date national description of the current picture of policies and practices at the district level designed to provide what it calls advanced and gifted education. Based on data from a 2023 survey, its stated goal is to provide a better understanding of district policies to improve the provision of advanced education programs by examining the breadth of district policies for such programs. Issues addressed include identification, program types, curriculum, teacher support, and predictors for policy implementation. The report concludes that US district policies for advanced learners are subpar. However, given the data limitations and problems with the key assumptions in the report’s methodology, this conclusion and the report’s associated policy suggestions are overstated.

Suggested Citation: Han, E.S. (2024). NEPC review: The broken pipeline: Advanced education policies at the local level. Thomas B. Fordham Institute. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved [date], from

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