NEPC Resources on Grade Retention
Margaret Thornton (). NEPC Review: Think Again: Are Education Programs for High Achievers Inherently Inequitable? (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, October 2024). Available at:
(). Lost in Translation: English Learners, One Study, and the Dangers of Translating Research into Practice. Available at:
Brea L. Perry, Daniel J. Losen (). NEPC Review: Understanding a Vicious Cycle: Do Out-of-School Suspensions Impact Student Test Scores? (University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, March 2017). Available at:
Shaun Harper (). Disproportionate Impact of K-12 School Suspension and Expulsion on Black Students in Southern States . Available at:
Joseph Cimpian (). Review of The Effects of Test-Based Retention on Student Outcomes Over Time. Available at:
Kevin G. Welner (). The Lesson of the Cupcakes: Fix Schools by Resisting Gimmicks and Heeding Evidence. Available at:
Derek C. Briggs (). NEPC Review: Getting Farther Ahead by Staying Behind: A Second-Year Evaluation of Florida's Policy to End Social Promotion (Manhattan Institute, September 2006). Available at:
Edward W. Wiley (). NEPC Review: Getting Ahead by Staying Behind: An Evaluation of Florida's Program to End Social Promotion (Manhattan Institute, February 2006). Available at:
Alex Molnar, Douglas N. Harris, Gene V Glass, Lisa Abrams, Madhabi Chatterji, Mary Lee Smith, Sherman Dorn, Tim Hacsi, Victoria-Maria MacDonald (). Reform Florida. Available at:
Mary Lee Smith (). On the Success of Failure: A Rejoinder to Alexander. Available at:
Mary Lee Smith, Lorrie Shepard (). What Doesn't Work: Explaining Policies of Retention in Early Grades. Available at: