Andrew Ho
Andrew Ho is the Charles William Eliot Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is a psychometrician whose research aims to improve the design, use, and interpretation of test scores in educational policy and practice. Ho is known for his development of methods for measuring educational progress and educational inequality. He is a developer of a national archive of student achievement data (SEDA) and an advocate for using educational tests for low-stakes monitoring in multiple-measures systems.
Ho is the president-elect of the National Council on Measurement in Education and a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He served a full two terms on the governing board for the National Assessment of Educational Progress from 2012-2020. He has chaired the research committee for the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning (VPAL) at Harvard University, which governed research on "massive open online courses" (MOOCs). At HGSE, he teaches courses in statistics and psychometrics, and he is the co-chair of the Education Policy and Analysis program.