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About the National Education Policy Center


The mission of the National Education Policy Center is to provide high-quality information in support of democratic deliberation about education policy. We are guided by the belief that the democratic governance of public education is strengthened when policies are based on sound evidence and support a multiracial society that is inclusive, kind, and just. 


NEPC Fellows have a wide range of expertise bearing on education policy issues. They also have considerable experience speaking with members of the media about their work and about current issues. Please feel free to contact a fellow directly, using the subject-area information we've provided. Or you may contact either of NEPC's Directors, Kevin Welner ( or Alex Molnar (, and they will put you in touch with an appropriate expert.


Our senior academic staff members include nationally recognized education researchers, writers, and practitioners whose experience ensures the quality, timeliness, and value of the work NEPC does. Please feel free to contact staff members about topics of interest to you.  Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff for more information.