NEPC Review: Markets vs. Monopolies in Education: A Global Review of the Evidence (September 2008) NEPC Review Clive Belfield September 30, 2008
Preschool Education and Its Lasting Effects: Research and Policy Implications Policy Brief W. Steven Barnett September 10, 2008
NEPC Review: The Effect of Special Education Vouchers on Public School Achievement: Evidence from Florida's McKay Scholarship Program (Manhattan Institute, April 2008) NEPC Review John T. Yun May 22, 2008
NEPC Review: How Sound an Investment? An Analysis of Federal Prekindergarten Proposals (March 2008) NEPC Review W. Steven Barnett March 24, 2008
Accountability, Rigor, and Detracking Resource Document Carol C. Burris, Edward W. Wiley, and Kevin G. Welner March 1, 2008
NEPC Review: The High Cost of Failing to Reform Public Education in Missouri (March 2006) NEPC Review Sherman Dorn January 9, 2008
Schooling and the Construction of Identity Among Minority Students in Spain and the United States Resource Document Janette K. Klingner January 1, 2008
NEPC Review: Michigan Higher Education: Facts and Fiction (Mackinac Center, July 2007) NEPC Review José Luis Santos July 5, 2007
NEPC Review: How Much Are Public School Teachers Paid? (Manhattan Institute, January 2007) NEPC Review Lawrence Mishel and Sean P. Corcoran February 19, 2007
NEPC Review: Report Card on American Education (November 2006) NEPC Review Gene V Glass January 8, 2007
The Use of Assessment for Curricular Differentiation Resource Document Kevin G. Welner and K. Martinez January 1, 2007
The Promises and Pitfalls of Alternative Teacher Compensation Approaches Policy Brief Debbi C. Harris January 1, 2007
Dropout Policies: Research-Based Strategies Policy Brief Holly Kurtz, Jennifer S. Silverstein, Kevin G. Welner, and Samara S. Foster January 1, 2007
NEPC Review: Giving Students the Chaff: How to Find and Keep the Teachers We Need (September 2006) NEPC Review Ash Vasudeva and Raymond Pecheone October 25, 2006
NEPC Review: Getting Farther Ahead by Staying Behind: A Second-Year Evaluation of Florida's Policy to End Social Promotion (Manhattan Institute, September 2006) NEPC Review Derek C. Briggs October 10, 2006
NEPC Review: Assessing Proposals for Preschool and Kindergarten: Essential Information for Parents, Taxpayers and Policymakers (May 2006) NEPC Review W. Steven Barnett May 31, 2006
The Special Education Referral and Decision-Making Process for English Language Learners: Child Study Team Meetings and Staffing Resource Document Janette K. Klingner May 9, 2006
NEPC Review: Getting Ahead by Staying Behind: An Evaluation of Florida's Program to End Social Promotion (Manhattan Institute, February 2006) NEPC Review Edward W. Wiley February 23, 2006
NEPC Review: The State of High School Education in Wisconsin: A Tale of Two Wisconsins (January 2006) NEPC Review William J. Mathis February 17, 2006
English Language Learners Who Struggle with Reading: Language Acquisition or Learning Disabilities? Resource Document Janette K. Klingner January 18, 2006
Alternative Approaches to the Politics of Detracking Resource Document Kevin G. Welner and Carol C. Burris January 1, 2006
Cultural Considerations with Response to Intervention Models Resource Document Janette K. Klingner and P. Edwards January 1, 2006
Research Reveals Teacher Working Conditions Key to Improving Student Achievement Resource Document March 22, 2005
Addressing the Disproportionate Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Special Education through Resource Document Janette K. Klingner January 1, 2005
Closing the Achievement Gap by Detracking Resource Document Carol C. Burris and Kevin G. Welner January 1, 2005
Rethinking Expert Testimony in Education Rights Legislation Resource Document Kevin G. Welner and Haggai Kupermintz January 1, 2004
The State of Preschool: 2003 State Preschool Yearbook Legacy Publication W. Steven Barnett January 1, 2004
Social Welfare, the Neo-Conservative Turn, and Educational Opportunity Resource Document Michele S. Moses January 1, 2004
The Overrepresentation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Special Education Resource Document Kevin G. Welner January 1, 2004
Identifying and Implementing Educational Practices Supported by Rigorous Evidence: A User-Friendly Guide Resource Document December 1, 2003
Assessing Arizona's Dropout Problem: Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them Policy Brief Theresa Huerta January 1, 2003
Important Publications in the Field of LD in Light of Imminent Topics Resource Document Russell Gersten, Linda K. Elksnin, Daniel Boudah, Janette K. Klingner, and David Scanlon January 1, 2003
Breaking the Code: Colorado's Defeat of the Anti-Bilingual Education Initiative (Amendment 31) Resource Document Kathy Escamilla, S. Shannon, S. Carlos, and J. García January 1, 2003
When Should Bilingual Students Be in Special Education? Resource Document Janette K. Klingner and Alfredo J. Artiles January 1, 2003
The Changing Roles and Responsibilities of an LD Specialist Resource Document S. Vaughn and Janette K. Klingner January 1, 2002