NEPC Resources on School Segregation
High Stakes, Low Validity?
NEPC Review: Balancing Act: Schools, Neighborhoods, and Racial Imbalance (Brookings Institution, November 2017)
NEPC Review
February 8, 2018
NEPC Review: Renewing Our Cities (EdChoice, March 2017)
NEPC Review
June 20, 2017
NEPC Review: Segregation, Race, and Charter Schools: What Do We Know? (Brookings Institution, October 2016)
NEPC Review
December 19, 2016
Review of Our Immense Achievement Gap
NEPC Review
March 29, 2012
How Legislation and Litigation Shape School Choice
Policy Brief
NEPC Review: Segregation Levels in Cleveland Public Schools and the Cleveland Voucher Program (August 2006)
NEPC Review
October 5, 2006
Diversity Enhances Education
Legacy Publication
A Blow to Equal Opportunity Education
Legacy Publication