NEPC Review: Incomplete: How Middle Class Schools Aren't Making the Grade (September 2011) NEPC Review Bruce D. Baker September 22, 2011
Why Comparing NAEP Poverty Achievement Gaps Across States Doesn’t Work Reviews Worth Sharing Bruce D. Baker September 13, 2011
NEPC Review: Florida Formula for Student Achievement: Lessons for the Nation (ExcelinEd, June 2011) NEPC Review William J. Mathis June 30, 2011
NEPC Review: Passing Muster: Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Systems (April 2011) NEPC Review Bruce D. Baker May 18, 2011
Linking Learning to the 21st Century: Preparing All Students for College, Career, and Civic Participation Legislative Brief Marisa Saunders and Christopher A. Chrisman April 7, 2011
Due Diligence and the Evaluation of Teachers Research Brief Derek C. Briggs and Ben Domingue February 8, 2011
NEPC Review: Students in N.J. Charter Schools Outperform Those in Local School Districts, Data Shows (January 2011) NEPC Review Bruce D. Baker January 26, 2011
NEPC Review: U.S. Math Performance in Global Perspective: How Well Does Each State Do at Producing High-Achieving Students? (November 2010) NEPC Review Jeremy Kilpatrick January 11, 2011
NEPC Review: 2010 State School Report Card (October 2010) NEPC Review Edward García Fierros and Bridget Rooney December 14, 2010
Getting Teacher Assessment Right: What Policymakers Can Learn From Research Policy Brief Patricia H. Hinchey December 7, 2010
NEPC Review: Closing the Racial Achievement Gap (September 2010) NEPC Review Madhabi Chatterji November 30, 2010
Teach For America: A Review of the Evidence Policy Brief Julian Vasquez Heilig and Su Jin Jez June 9, 2010
NEPC Review: Has Progress Been Made in Raising Achievement for English Language Learners? (April 2010) NEPC Review Jeff MacSwan May 19, 2010
NEPC Review: Fix the City Schools: Moving All Schools to Charter-Like Autonomy (March 2010) NEPC Review Katrina Bulkley April 15, 2010
NEPC Review: Stuck Schools: A Framework for Identifying Schools Where Students Need Change - Now (Education Trust, February 2010) NEPC Review Jaekyung Lee April 7, 2010
NEPC Review: Connecticut's Charter School Law and Race to the Top (ConnCAN, February 2010) NEPC Review Robert Bifulco March 10, 2010
Universal Access to a Quality Education: Research and Recommendations for the Elimination of Curricular Stratification Legislative Brief Carol C. Burris, Kevin G. Welner, and Jennifer Bezoza December 14, 2009
NEPC Review: Everyone Wins: How Charter Schools Benefit All New York City Public School Students (Manhattan Institute, October 2009) NEPC Review Patrick McEwan November 17, 2009
NEPC Review: How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect Achievement (September 2009) NEPC Review Sean Reardon November 12, 2009
The Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education, 2009 Policy Brief Gerald W. Bracey November 9, 2009
NEPC Review: Multiple Choice: Charter School Performance in 16 States (June 2009) NEPC Review Gary Miron and Brooks Applegate June 24, 2009
NEPC Review: Charter Schools in Eight States: Effects on Achievement, Attainment, Integration and Competition (March 2009) NEPC Review Derek C. Briggs May 27, 2009
NEPC Review: The Impact of Milwaukee Charter Schools on Student Achievement (March 2009) NEPC Review Robert Bifulco May 5, 2009
NEPC Review: An Evaluation of Teachers Trained Through Different Routes to Certification: Final Report (February 2009) NEPC Review Jennifer Jennings and Sean P. Corcoran March 10, 2009
Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success Policy Brief David C. Berliner March 9, 2009
High Stakes, but Low Validity? A Case Study of Standardized Tests and Admissions into New York City Specialized High Schools Research Brief Joshua Feinman October 22, 2008
NEPC Review: Education Olympics 2008: The Games in Review (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, August 2008) NEPC Review Edward García Fierros and Mindy L. Kornhaber October 15, 2008
NEPC Review: The Misplaced Math Student: Lost in Eighth-Grade Algebra (September 2008) NEPC Review Carol C. Burris October 14, 2008
NEPC Review: Promising Start: An Empirical Analysis of How EdChoice Vouchers Affect Ohio Public Schools (August 2008) NEPC Review Christopher Lubienski September 8, 2008
NEPC Review: High-Achieving Students in the Era of NCLB (Thomas B. Fordham Institute, June 2008) NEPC Review Gregory Camilli July 29, 2008
Strengthening the Link Between Effective School Expenditures and State Funding Mechanisms Policy Brief Anthony Rolle July 14, 2008
NEPC Review: The Effect of Special Education Vouchers on Public School Achievement: Evidence from Florida's McKay Scholarship Program (Manhattan Institute, April 2008) NEPC Review John T. Yun May 22, 2008
School Choice: Evidence and Recommendations Policy Brief David Arsen, Clive Belfield, Marisa Cannata, Wendy C. Chi, Casey Cobb, Stephanie Evergreen, Gregg Garn, Christopher Lubienski, Julie F. Mead, Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, Gary Miron, Yongmei Ni, Stephanie Southworth, Jessica Urschel, and Terri S. Wilson March 20, 2008
The Impact of School Choice Reforms on Student Achievement Policy Brief Gary Miron, Stephanie Evergreen, and Jessica Urschel March 1, 2008
Accountability, Rigor, and Detracking Resource Document Carol C. Burris, Edward W. Wiley, and Kevin G. Welner March 1, 2008